This painting passes through time and carries new meaning each time I look at it. Though I don’t look at it often, the previous meaning is extracted as a new one steps in. I suppose you can say in sorts, it breaths. I wont get into detail of it’s past meaning other than I created this as an offering of hope at an event in front of 1000s during Christmas in 2010.
It later made it’s way to a home of which I am pleased and that is good.
I tend to be more excited about the process of my work than the actual final outcome. The background music, environment and excitement of the idea plays a more valid roll than the final piece. The shiny smooth wet paint all over my hands and the scent of the oil certainly contributes to the excitement of creating. However, in the end I have a sense of disappointment that the work is complete. I grieve for about 5 minutes and move on.
Did God experience the same let down as He created the universe and all that is in it. When creating was over did He step back and say “ Now what?” Did He wash His hands as quickly as I do and forget about His work?
The answer is NO. For God, we are the excitement. In all He created, in all He made, the stars and universe and galaxy and waters and mountains and wildlife , in all His wisdom and perfection He loves us most. In all His glory He creates each one of us as a work of art . We can be assured that upon completion of creating us in the womb, His artistic investment has only begun. The master artist invests His love and faithfulness to us through out our lifetime here on earth and goes so far as to inviting us into his heavenly home for eternity.
With that said , the new breath on this day to this painting is……….
I will speak for myself. Each one of you has the freedom to stand on your own beliefs and shout them from your own home. And let me remind you, this is a freedom many have sacrificed their lives for. As for me and my house we will serve The Lord. Joshua 24:15
“ I am in a time where it is necessary to remind myself…… the essence of our nation is “One nation under God “. To shout His name , to blow my shofar and point my eyes and heart up to the heavens and let the universe hear that I am wrapped in the red cloak of His blood. I embrace His cup as He pours out His love onto me and my country. His Holy Spirit is more than welcome into my broken heart. In a nation that stands on a cliff ready to jump, I claim it back to safety and strength and love for ALL its people IN THE NAME OF GOD! When I stand and fight for what I know is real , I embrace His light feathers of adoration and love for me floating down so soft and tender because He is pleased. I am awake. I am alive. I am right where He put me. I am dwelling in a nation that stands strong because of the cornerstone of which it was made. With all it’s faults and all it’s sin, it is mine. Lies and hate have no place on this ground of which I stand.