Supernatural Maverick
Ma ver ick: a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, who takes an independent stand, pursuing rebellious even potentially disruptive ideas. A maverick can not be muzzled. Unorthodox, nonconformist.
The ecclesia is to be the spiritual governing body that overrules natural government oppression. Ecclesia overrules censorship and elimination of free speech. The heavens and earth are being shaken and yes there are angels in the midst. After all, 1/3 of the angels followed Lucifer. I ask, where are the remaining 2/3 ?
With that said, don’t ignore your enemy without understanding. I think I used to be an agnostic. I did not understand so therefore I ignored. Not anymore. I have always stood for love and social/racial equality. I do good in the community and I love with the heart of Christ. However, I am not limited to just that. I once thought to agitate meant to go against all the grain that is good. No more! There is enough substance and depth in my DNA make up that I can also be loyal and dedicated to fighting ( don’t misinterpret my meaning of fight) for my nation to be handed back to the God whom she was founded on. Yes I called her she.
Now for this painting. He is a rough messy haired unconventional angel of The Lord’s Army. He is weathered and raw. His forehead sports a tattoo from centuries ago in Jerusalem depicting the abode of the divine. His hand is marked with the cross from the arms of Jerusalem . The same hand easily holds his sword to his heart. Is he lax or ready to charge? The draping below his obvious American flag cloak is the Appeal to Heaven Flag created during the revolutionary war in an attempt to ask God to come and grant freedom from the oppression.
Ghost like images of wings and The Lion of Judah prevail above and behind the maverick image. Last and certainly not least, there are 3 tiny human embryos on his “sleeve of life”. Know your God , know what He breaths , know what He expects. Know the non negotiables of His heart. Like Bob Dylan wrote “ Your gonna have to serve someone.”
If you call on the angels they will come. They will assist . This army follows the orders of King Jesus. Don’t mistake them for the great redeemer. Only the blood at Calvary can do that. They are His army and they will follow His word only! Inspire them but don’t provoke.